Frequently asked questions

Q: What are your fees?


Online therapy means I can offer a more cost-effective service than face-to-face work, with no difference in the type of therapy provided. 


My standard fees for daytime slots (attended on a weekly basis) are on a sliding scale from £130 to £100, depending on your realistic budget. I have a very limited number of places for self-funding people at £90. Fees for people funded by health insurance plans vary, as these are often set by the provider themselves. 


My standard fees for evening slots (which are very limited) are £140.


A standard therapy session lasts for 50 minutes.


How do you set your fees?


These fees reflect the typical range of fees charged by clinical psychologists, in line with our Doctoral level of training, experience, and the extensive Continuing Professional Development and supervision that we regularly undertake.


This enables us to continue to be able to practise at the level that the HCPC professional body holds us accountable to as a legal requirement for registration as a Practitioner Psychologist (which means a practising psychologist in simpler terms). Not all therapists have this legal registration, but it is a sign that you are seeing a properly qualified and accredited professional.


It often takes at least six years to qualify as a Clinical Psychologist, but is in reality, on average, often seven to 10 years longer because clinical psychologists have to do extensive paid and voluntary employment, and often further post-graduate qualifications, to gain the experience required to apply for the Clinical Psychology Doctorate. This is a three year Clinical Doctorate course with limited places across the UK, tied in with work in clinical placements across the lifespan in various NHS services - not dissimilar to that undertaken by trainee doctors. Demand and competition for course places each year is very high, so the entry calibre reflects this. 



Q: Where do sessions take place?


I provide online and telephone appointments, so can provide a session for you wherever you are!


Daytime and limited evening appointments are available. My clinic slots are usually Tuesday morning, afternoon and evening, Monday afternoon (very limited) and Thursday daytime.


Q: Can I contact the Clinic to arrange an initial assessment?


Yes, you are very welcome to do that. I accept self-referred individuals as well as people who have been referred by their GPs, employers or via insurance companies. My contact details can be found here: Contact me.


Q: Will my therapy be paid for by my private health insurance or other party?


You will need to check with your health insurer before seeking therapy as not all health plans cover psychological therapies. Your employer might also fund your therapy.


I am registered with the following healthcare insurance companies: BUPA, Aviva, Axa PPP, Cigna, Pru Health, Simply Health and WPA. Please note that you will be personally liable to pay any excesses or shortfalls in  your treatment which are not covered by your policy.


Q: I'm not sure if my problem is suitable for therapy...


The best way is to email with a brief outline of your difficulties and your therapy requirements.  


Q: Do you see children and adolescents?


No, I specialise in adults who are aged 18 and over. However, I recommend that anyone seeking help for someone who is under 18 gets in touch with the Bristol Child Psychology Practice at or Bristol Psychology Services at


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